Our Saviour’s SWAT Team
Have you heard about the Our Saviour’s SWAT Team?
This is a new Ministry Team under the leadership of Fred Raasch that supports member and friends of the congregation.
SWAT is an acronym which stand for Service With A Tool. The idea behind SWAT is that, on occasion, members or friends of the congregation may need some minor assistance with home repairs, maintenance, cleanup, or something similar. When that happens, the requestor fills out a form from the Church Office, and, once approved, the SWAT Team leaps into action, performing the actual repairs or maintenance activity.
The labor is free. We ask that the requestor provide a donation, as they are able, to cover the cost of the materials, so that the program can continue to fund future projects.
You may wonder what is not covered. Some projects are too involved, and really need to be done by a licensed contractor. In such a situation, the SWAT Team will be in position to provide guidance for selecting a contractor even though we may not be able to handle it within the team. Examples of projects which may not be covered would be a roof or deck replacement. On the other hand, if a few shingles or deck boards need to be replaced, we would be available.
Would you like to join the SWAT Team? Membership is open to both men and women. There is a form to fill out on the information table in the church hallway. This form is necessary to maintain information about the members, such as: contact information, schedule availability, skills, and available equipment.
If you are interested in joining a team please contact Bob Schmidt, Schmidtdunkel@hcinet.net or 507-732-5449
Please consider this service, either as a recipient of a service or as a member of the team.