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Every person in the church has a purpose. There are many opportunities to use your talents and gifts to glorify God at OSLC.
Find your place, join a Ministry Team! Sign up for ministry team updates in Flocknote.
- Praise – Inspire others in worship and praise.
- Nursery – Provide care for our youngest children during services.
- Greeters – Welcome people to Our Saviour’s just as Christ welcomed us.
- Ushers – Hand out bulletins, light candles, count attendance,
collect offering, clean up sanctuary after worship service. - Audio Visual and IT – Use technology to enhance worship, preaching and teaching of the church.
- Communion – Prepare communion sacraments and clean up after.
- Kitchen – Feed the Body of Christ through fellowship as we feed the body.
- Christian Education – Teach, equip, and encourage the members and friends of
OSLC toward Christian maturity. - Congregation Care – Promote fellowship within the church body and provide needed care for OSLC family.
- Local Outreach – Fulfill the mission of the church in the local community:
“To know Christ and to make Him known”. - Missions – Encourage and assist those who are called to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
- Youth – Win, build and equip the youth through education and modeling Jesus Christ.
- Ministry Support – Discern and oversee fundraising opportunities.